Thursday, November 27, 2008


I got tagged by Francene!

The Rules:
1. Post the Rules
2. Answer the 6 "8" Items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged.

8 Favorite T.V. Shows-

1. Ugly Betty
2. Greys Anattomy
3. The Cosby Show
4. Friends
5. Good Times
6. I love Lucy
7. Scrubs
8. Andy Griffith Show

8 Things I did yesterday

1. Talked to my mom on the phone
2. Visited with my mother in law
3. Watched Tv
4. Cleaned
5. Finished up Pampered Chef orders
6. Played with my kids
7. Went to town to shop
8. Read the news paper

8 Favorite Restaurants

1. Blue Bird
2. Sizzler
3. Olive Garden
4. Wendy's
5. Arby's
6. Golden Coral
7. Royal Express
8. Chilli's (only for dessert)

8 Things I am looking forward to

1. Mark being done with school
2. Seeing my new baby cousin Taylee
3. Kohlby being all done with teething (nightmare!)
4. Christmas
5. Getting a house someday
6. Christmas Parties
7. Getting to go back to school
8. Makendie to start dancing

8 Things on my wish list

1.Having a maid to clean my house
2. Getting out of debt
3. Not paying rent anymore
4.To own a Firebird (Mark's is to own a Camero again)
5. For Makendie to stop throwing fits!
6. For Money to grow on trees
7. A flu free Christams
8. I agree with Francene, no dusting!!

8 People I Tagged (Everyone was already tagged)

1. Magen Marett
2. Rachel Von Neiderhausern

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mark's accident

Mark called me from work the other day and told me he was okay and that he still had most of his fingers! So I am just freaking out because I thought that he had cut off a finger or two. I asked him if he was still at the shop and if he needed to go to the Hospital. He said there was no skin left to stich up together and that there was nothing for them to do except to clean it, which he said he had already did! So I paniced all day thinking he'd lost his fingers, not wanting to go to the Hospital, I couldn't wait for lunch to come so I would know for myself to see that he was ok. When he got home I was expecting to see stubs, I was wrong he hadn't lost his finger tips, he just too out a chunk of skin on the back side of his pointer finger on his right hand, just above the first knucle on his finger. It's healing up pretty good but there is a good size divit there! I am just so greatful it wasn't worse. Next time he'll turn the Grinder off before he starts to clean it!

Teeth Finally!!

Kolhby finally broke two teeth!! It has been awfull. He'll wake up in the middle of the night screaming his head off because his teeth hurt. So far nothing gets him to calm down. Makendie was such a better teether, I didn't even know she was getting teeth until the showed through. Baby brother just wants to be held (by mom), that makes it really hard to clean my house, or anything really! I tried to get a picture with his teeth showing, but it was so hard. He likes to come after the camera.

Happy Halloween

Okay, so it's taken me a month now to post Halloween but, I finally did it!! Yay me! Any way our ward did a Halloween storytime on the 29th of October. The kids got to dress up in their costumes. First we listened to Halloween stories there was even a story about Frankenstiens Baby! They were really cute stories. After the stories we sang some really fun songs!

Now on to the cookie decorating. The kids decorated home made pumpkin shaped sugar cookies with home made frosting. And they drank Orange milk, it was also flavored. I'm not sure how she did that but that too has home made she said!